What blog is this? You might be tempted to ask. It's the happy bus driver blog. There's only one of those. There are other blogs written by jaded or unhappy bus drivers, armchair transit enthusiasts, educated local historians, cynical bus riders, gearheads, and so on.... This is the only blog where the author simply talks about the nice things that happen on the bus. You'd be surprised at how often it happens. I can think of no "job"- it feels silly to call it such- I can think of no job that I'd rather be doing. People ask why a kid with a BFA who looks like a teenager would drive buses, but the reason is because it's honestly too great. The people have a restorative power that energizes the soul. If you've been on my bus, you know what I'm talking about (Here's an article a friend wrote about it). If not, well, I hope the blog offers an idea. I'll explain more in the future, but for now I'll offer an example, above.
7/1/2012 06:10:03 am
Nathan, I'm so proud of you--truly. You did what you wanted and found joy in it. It's a pleasure to hear you share it all!
7/2/2012 09:27:50 pm
Rebecca, thank you so much! It's great to hear the encouragement, and that you see it the way I do...sometimes it's hard to explain to people. Their eyes get confused after they hear "bus driving!"
7/12/2012 05:57:52 am
It was truly a joy to ride your bus my friend. The people of Seattle are lucky to have you on their routes.
7/15/2012 03:14:22 am
Heather Starbuck
7/15/2012 03:14:03 pm
You, my friend, are truly connected to what is important (in my opinion) while we are on this planet. To love others and have them love you in return. :)
7/15/2012 06:19:14 pm
Heather, I learn from the enthusiasm of people like you. I still remember you and Sue having a conversation at the library about whether or not you would eat a dust bunny for a million dollars. Thank you for the comment, and for being so filled with loving energy!
6/5/2013 02:49:34 pm
Sorry my friend I dont want to be a spoil sport but I doubt very much if you had to drive this bus full time ie 46h+ a week if you would not become the average grumpy driver like I am.
6/5/2013 06:40:12 pm
Hi Rob, Thank you for your excellent comments. You're not a spoilsport- I hear such sentiments leveled at me all the time. I've been driving 6 years, and I do work 46+ hour weeks. After driving most of the routes on the eastside, and all the routes at Atlantic, Central, and North bases, I've discovered my favorite ones in the system are the 7, 358, and 3/4, and have picked those for the last 3.5 years straight.
6/5/2013 09:57:28 pm
hi Nathan,
8/31/2013 04:46:03 pm
It's not uncommon for people to pass judgment bassed on their own discomfort.
6/11/2015 07:47:06 pm
6/6/2013 05:25:22 am
Hi Rob,
Hey Nathan this is Larry central base Ryerson operator 25 years love your enthusiasm awesome keep it up
8/21/2016 05:38:43 pm
8/24/2016 09:40:24 am
Thank you so much, Mr Larry! I will do just that, or at least try my level best to do so!
9/1/2023 12:42:51 pm
I finally made it to your blog! Great stuff! Love the eclectic mix of topics esp. the movie reviews. I am overwhelmed by and mad respect for the diversity of art forms, including bus driving, you have poured your self into. Victor Frankl didnt expect his book Man's Search for Meaning to become such a popular book, but his personal experiences in a concentration camp spoke to people more than his scholarly work. I think you are tapping into that same vein of both human suffering and ecstatic experience that make life a new miracle daily and bring us 2gether in the bus community. Ive been riding buses more than 27 years, and have crossed the bridges uncounted times, each unique and soecial, but that's another story, I will try to tell in my own time and way.
9/28/2023 11:39:55 am
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